It was a super-duper hot day!
The kind that made you feel like you were walking into a warm oven. The sun blazed brightly in the sky, its rays beaming down heavily on the earth.
A little girl went outside with her mother to help her remove the clothes from the wire. The heat enveloped them like a warm hug. The little girl wiped the sweat from her forehead, already feeling frustrated.
"Mummy! Why is it too hot?" she asked while using her little hands to fan herself.
"Let's first finish here and get back inside," her mother replied, wiping the sweat from her own forehead. They rushed to gather the clothes.
As they headed back into the house, the little girl felt like she was stepping into a fridge. The house had a refreshing breeze, making her feel instantly better.
After quenching their thirst with cool water, the mother explained, "In Africa, we have two seasons: the rainy season and the sunny season. This is the sunny season, which is why it's so hot!' She smiled, "But don't worry, there are things we can do to stay cool."
"First, we need to drink plenty of water," she continued, handing the little girl another glass of water.
"Second, let's stay indoors as much as possible, away from the hot sun." The little girl nodded, feeling a bit more understanding of the heat.
"And what else, Mummy?" she asked, curious.
"Let us not forget, sweetie," her mother said, "that we can always pray for relief from the heat. We can ask God to keep us safe and cool, and to give us strength to endure the hot days."
As they sipped their water, the little girl looked up at her mother with a smile feeling grateful for the cool refuge of their home.
The End!
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