Daniel, a little boy, was bursting with excitement as he counted down the days to his fourth birthday on April 3rd. Every morning, he would cheerfully check the calendar, watching as the days ticked closer to his special day.
In his mind, Daniel had pictured his birthday celebration. He dreamed of a big chocolate cake to share with his friends, surrounded by balloons of every color.
"Mummy, I want a huge chocolate cake for my birthday!" he would exclaim to his parents, who would smile at his excitement.
With his parents' permission, Daniel had marked the special day on the calendar. He drew a circle around April 3rd and added a little picture of a cake next to it.
But, unknown to Daniel, his parents had recently made a big purchase - a brand new white car. As a result, they didn't have enough money left to buy the big chocolate cake Daniel had been dreaming of sharing with his friends.
As the big day approached, Daniel's parents sat him down in the living room to discuss the celebration.
"Hey buddy, we know how excited you are about your birthday," his father said.
Daniel's eyes widened with excitement. "Oh yes I am!" he exclaimed.
His father smiled and continued, "That's wonderful, son. But we need to talk to you about something. Unfortunately, we don't have enough money to buy the big chocolate cake you've been wanting."
Daniel's face fell, and tears began to well up in his eyes.
His mother comforted him, as his father continued "We spent a lot of money on our new car, and we don't have enough left to buy the big cake you wanted, but we're going to celebrate your birthday in a smaller way, just the three of us. We'll make it special, I promise."
Daniel wiped away his tears, remembering the joy the new white car had brought them.
Finally, April 3rd arrived. Daniel's parents sang "Happy Birthday" as they entered his bedroom. Next, Daniel enjoyed a fun horseback ride on his father's back to the dining room.
The room was filled with colorful pictures drawn and colored by his parents.
"Wow, these look amazing!" Daniel exclaimed.
On the dining table, four small cupcakes with lit candles awaited him. They sang "Happy Birthday" again, and Daniel blew out the candles.
The rest of the day was filled with Daniel's favorite activities: watching his favorite movie, singing songs, and dancing together. Daniel was filled with happiness and joy.
As the day came to a close, Daniel's father gathered them for a prayer:
"Dear God, thank you for the precious gift of Daniel and for helping him grow every day. Thank you for allowing us to enjoy this special day together. May we always find happiness and joy, even when we don't have a lot of money. In Jesus' name, Amen."
The End!
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