One sunny day, two little girls went to the zoo with their parents. They loved visiting the zoo and seeing all the amazing animals. Their favorite was the zebra, with its striking white and black stripes.
As they walked around, the girls thanked their parents for bringing them. "We really love the zoo!" they exclaimed.
Their parents smiled, happy to see their daughters having so much fun.
On this particular visit, the zoo had a new attraction: a donkey offering short rides. "Would you like to ride the donkey?" their father asked.
The older sister paused for a moment, looking concerned.
"But Daddy, won't we make the donkey tired if we sit on its back?" she asked.
Her father smiled, seeing the kindness in her heart for the donkey.
"Not at all, sweetie," he reassured her. "The donkey is strong and healthy, and it's happy to give rides. They make sure it has plenty of food, water, and rest, so it's always ready to go."
The little girl's face lit up with a bright smile. "Okay, Daddy! Yes! We would love to ride the donkey!" she exclaimed, grabbing her little sister's hand with excitement. Hand in hand, they eagerly lined up and enjoyed their fun donkey ride.
As the girls rode the donkey, their father watched with a warm smile, remembering a special moment in the Bible. After their ride, he said, "You know, girls, a long time ago, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, just like this one."
The girls looked at each other with excitement. "Really?" they asked.
Their father nodded. "Yes! Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to show that He came in peace and that He was a gentle servant."
The girls' eyes sparkled with delight. "We're so glad we got to ride a donkey, just like Jesus!" they exclaimed. Their father hugged them and they continued with seeing other animals.
The End!
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