A little boy excitedly ran to his father, who was tending to the flower garden, removing weeds. The warm sun was shining down on them, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers.
"Look at my picture, Daddy!" the little boy said, holding up his artwork.
His father, who had been kneeling in the garden, stood up and smiled as he took the picture from his son. But as he looked at the image of a devil with horns and a fork, his expression changed to one of surprise. "Son, what were you trying to draw?" he asked gently.
The little boy confidently replied, "That's a stubborn devil, like the one I saw on my favorite cartoon show where they were playing dress-up for a party!"
His father, a devoted follower of Jesus, saw an opportunity to teach his son a valuable lesson.
"Do you know that the devil is bad and brings harm to us? Actually, the devil is a symbol of bad things," he said, looking his son straight in the eye with a warm smile.
The little boy looked up at his father with full attention.
"But guess what? There is good news! God is stronger than the devil. God's angels always watch over us and keep us safe from the harm of the devil. That's why we pray to Him every day," his father explained.
The little boy nodded, taking in his father's words.
His father then knelt down again and pulled out a weed from the garden, showing it to his son. "Look at this! This weed could have harmed our beautiful flowers if it had continued to grow, but I removed it in time."
The little boy's eyes widened in amazement as he looked at the weed.
"Thoughts of the devil are just like this weed in our minds, that is why we need to fill our minds with good thoughts, like of God and His angels watching over us, not thoughts of the devil," his father explained gently to his son.
As the little boy listened to his father, he also knelt down and joined him in tending to the flower garden.
And as they worked the soil together, his father said, "Hey buddy, instead of drawing pictures of the devil, why don't we draw pictures of God's love and protection? We can draw angels together after this."
"That would be great, Dad!" the little boy replied.
After gardening, the father and son went inside the house and had a wonderful time drawing pictures of God's love and protection together.