It was a sunny Saturday morning, and after watering the plants, a little girl got ready for breakfast. Her father reminded her, "Don't forget to wash your hands before you eat."
The little girl obediently headed to the sink. As she sat down at the table, she turned to her father with a curious expression.
"But, Daddy, why do we have to wash our hands so many times?" she asked, clearly puzzled, looking down at her hands which appeared clean to her.
Her father smiled, happy to help her understand the importance of washing hands. "That's a great question," he said. "Let's work on a project together to find out."
After their breakfast, he got up from the table and went to her wardrobe, returning with a pair of clean, white cotton socks.
"Put these socks on your hands for the morning," he instructed. "And at 1 o'clock, we will see if they're still as white as snow!"
The little girl's eyes widened with excitement as she slipped the socks onto her hands and dashed outside to play. She spent the morning running around the green compound, chasing butterflies, and playing on the verandah. By the time she came back inside, the socks on her hands were no longer white – they were brown and dirty!
"Oh, Daddy, look!" she exclaimed, holding out her hands. "They're so dirty!"
Her father smiled gently. "Yes, they are," he said. "Just like these socks collected dirt, our hands collect dirt and tiny germs we can't see every time. That's why we need to wash our hands as often as we can to keep the germs away."
The little girl agreed with her father as she looked at the dirty socks.
He led her to the sink, where he turned on the water and squeezed some soap into her hands. As they washed the dirt away, the little girl understood the importance of washing hands often to keep germs away.
The End!
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